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The stateBinderFormatters configuration parameter lets you define custom formatters that you can use with the data-ajax-cart-bind-state attribute.

For example, if you use the option_selection.js Shopify asset and its Shopify.formatMoney function you can specify your own formatter for money related values:

<script type="module">
  import { configureCart } from '{{ "liquid-ajax-cart-v1.11.2.js" | asset_url }}';

  configureCart('stateBinderFormatters', {
    'my_formatter': value => {

      // Don't change anything if the value is not a number
      if ( typeof value !== 'number' && !(value instanceof Number)) {
        return value;

      // Apply formatMoney function if exists
      if ( window.Shopify?.formatMoney ) {
        return Shopify.formatMoney(value);

      // Fallback to the "100 USD" format if there is no Shopify.formatMoney
      const state = getCartState();
      return `${ value.toFixed(2) } ${ state.cart.currency }`;

<!-- Applying the formatter -->
<span data-ajax-cart-bind-state="cart.total_price | my_formatter">
	{{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}
