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The messageBuilder configuration parameter lets you change the HTML layout of the messages that are put in data-ajax-cart-messages containers.

By default the messages are built using the following function:

messages => {
  let result = '';
  messages.forEach( element => {
    result += `<div class="js-ajax-cart-message js-ajax-cart-message--${ element.type }">${ element.text }</div>`;
  return result;

You can pass your own function using the messageBuilder configuration parameter. For example lets use an unordered list for messages and change CSS classes:

<script type="module">
  import { configureCart } from '{{ "liquid-ajax-cart-v1.11.2.js" | asset_url }}';

  configureCart('messageBuilder', messages => {
    let result = '<ul>';
    messages.forEach( element => {
      result += `<li class="my-message my-message--${ element.type }">${ element.text }</li>`;
    result += '</ul>'
    return result;

The function will be called with the only parameter messages — an array with the all the messages that are going to be displayed. Each message is a Javascript object that contains the following properties:

  "type": "error",
  "text": "All 3 T-shirt are in your cart.",
  "code": "shopify_error",
  "requestState": {}
  • type — is always error for now. It is planned to add more message types in future releases.
  • code:
    • shopify_error — if Shopify responded with an error message to a Cart Ajax API request. For example if a user tried to use a product form to add to cart more products than available, Shopify will respond with an error message.
    • request_error — if a Cart Ajax API request is not successful and doesn’t have any error description, or if the request is not performed at all due to internet connection, for example.
  • requestState — the Request State object with information about the request.
