You're looking at the documentation for Liquid Ajax Cart v1. Go to Liquid Ajax Cart v2


The addToCartCssClass configuration parameter lets you specify a CSS class that will be attached to the body tag after successful adding a product to the cart.

The usecase — opening a cart drawer after a user clicks an “Add to cart” button.

Setting up using the data-ajax-cart-configuration attribute:

{% comment %} Somewhere in layout/theme.liquid {% endcomment %}

<script type="application/json" data-ajax-cart-configuration >
    "addToCartCssClass": "js-my-cart-open"

Setting up using the configureCart function:

<script type="module">
  import { configureCart } from '{{ "liquid-ajax-cart-v1.11.2.js" | asset_url }}';

  configureCart('addToCartCssClass', 'js-my-cart-open');

Removing the class after a while

You can specify the time in milliseconds after which the class should be removed from the body tag.

The usecase — opening a mini-cart popup for 3 seconds.

Setting up using the data-ajax-cart-configuration attribute:

{% comment %} Somewhere in layout/theme.liquid {% endcomment %}

<script type="application/json" data-ajax-cart-configuration >
    "addToCartCssClass": [ "js-my-mini-cart-open", 3000 ]

Setting up using the configureCart function:

<script type="module">
  import { configureCart } from '{{ "liquid-ajax-cart-v1.11.2.js" | asset_url }}';

  configureCart('addToCartCssClass', [ 'js-my-mini-cart-open', 3000 ]);
