Include Liquid Ajax Cart to the Shopify theme code or import the package from npm. In both cases it will be globally available on the website.
Upload the liquid-ajax-cart-v2.1.2.js file to your Shopify theme’s asset
folder and include it in the layout/theme.liquid
Provide the cart data in the JSON format within the script
with the data-ajax-cart-initial-state
attribute so that
Liquid Ajax Cart knows the user cart state.
If Liquid Ajax Cart doesn’t find the cart JSON, it will make a Shopify Cart API Ajax request to get the cart state.
{% comment %} Somewhere in layout/theme.liquid {% endcomment %}
<script type="application/json" data-ajax-cart-initial-state>
{{ cart | json }}
<script type="module">
import '{{ "liquid-ajax-cart-v2.1.2.js" | asset_url }}';
Download Liquid Ajax Cart from npm :
npm install liquid-ajax-cart
Import the library:
import "liquid-ajax-cart";
Provide the cart data in the JSON format within the script
with the data-ajax-cart-initial-state
attribute so that
Liquid Ajax Cart knows the user cart state.
If Liquid Ajax Cart doesn’t find the cart JSON, it will make a Shopify Cart API Ajax request to get the cart state.
{% comment %} Somewhere in layout/theme.liquid {% endcomment %}
<script type="application/json" data-ajax-cart-initial-state>
{{ cart | json }}
<script src="{{ 'my-bundle.min.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>
Once Liquid Ajax Cart is loaded and initialized,
the js-ajax-cart-init
CSS class will be added to the html
If you want to run your JavaScript once Liquid Ajax Cart is initialized,
check the liquidAjaxCart.init
and listen for the liquid-ajax-cart:init
function runWhenInit() {
console.log("The current cart state is: ", window.liquidAjaxCart.cart);
if (window.liquidAjaxCart?.init) {
// if Liquid Ajax Cart is already initialized
} else {
// wait for Liquid Ajax Cart to be initialized
document.addEventListener("liquid-ajax-cart:init", runWhenInit);
The detailed explanation on how to interact with Liquid Ajax Cart using JavaScript is in the “Lifecycle, events, API” guide.