Data attribute


An attribute which ajaxifies cart item property inputs, cart note textarea, cart attribute inputs.

How it works

Add the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute to a cart item property input, a cart note input or a cart attribute input to ajaxify them. Once a user changes the value of the input field, Liquid Ajax Cart performs a Shopify Cart API Ajax request to update the cart.

The request will be sent on input’s change event and when a user presses the Enter key within the input field or Ctrl+Enter for the textarea element.

When a user presses the Esc key within the input, its value is reset to the current item’s quantity according to the liquidAjaxCart.cart object.

The data-ajax-cart-property-input input fields become disabled when there is a Shopify Cart API Ajax request in progress.

The data-ajax-cart-property-input supports text input fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, select and textarea elements.

Cart item property

The value of the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute should be line_item_index[property_name] or line_item_key[property_name] for a line-item property input:

<div class="my-cart" data-ajax-cart-section>

  <div class="my-cart__items">
    {% for item in cart.items %}
      {% assign item_index = forloop.index %}
      <div><a href="{{ item.url }}">{{ item.title }}</a></div>
      <div>Price: {{ item.final_price | money }}</div>

      {% for property in %}
          {{ property.first }}:
          {% if property.first == 'Engraving' %}
            <!-- Ajaxified line item property text input -->
            <input type="text"
              value="{{ property.last }}" 
              data-ajax-cart-property-input="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]"/>
          {% elsif property.first == 'Position' %}
            <!-- Ajaxified line item property select -->
              data-ajax-cart-property-input="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]">
                <option value="">Not selected</option>
                {% assign suggested_positions = 'Left|Center|Right' | split: '|' %}
                {% for position in suggested_positions %}
                  <option value="{{ position }}" {% if position == property.last %} selected {% endif %}>{{ position }}</option>
                {% endfor %}
          {% elsif property.first == 'Package' %}
            <!-- Ajaxified line item property radio group -->
            {% assign suggested_packages = 'Red|Green|Blue' | split: '|' %}
            {% for package in suggested_packages %}
                  name="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]" 
                  value="{{ package }}" 
                  data-ajax-cart-property-input="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]"
                  {% if package == property.last %} checked {% endif %} /> 
                {{ package }}
            {% endfor %}
          {% elsif property.first == 'Is a gift' %}
            <!-- Ajaxified line item property checkbox -->
              <!-- Value when the checkbox unchecked -->
              <input type="hidden" value="No" data-ajax-cart-property-input="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]">
              <!-- The checkbox itself -->
                data-ajax-cart-property-input="{{ item_index }}[{{ property.first }}]"
                {% if property.last == 'Yes' %} checked {% endif %} />
              Is a gift
          {% else %}
            {{ property.last }}
          {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

      <!-- ... -->

Cart attribute

The value of the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute should be attributes[attribute_name]. If you apply the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute to a form control with a correct name attribute then you can leave the data-ajax-cart-property-input value empty:

<div class="my-cart" data-ajax-cart-section>

  <div class="my-cart__items">
    <!-- Cart items HTML -->

    <label for="cartAttributePackageText">Package text</label>

    <!-- Ajaxified cart attribute text input.
    The data-ajax-cart-property-input is empty 
    because there is a correct input name attribute -->
    <input data-ajax-cart-property-input
      name="attributes[Package text]" 
      value="{{ cart.attributes['Package text'] }}"
      class="my-cart__input my-cart__input--property" />

    <label for="cartAttributeDeliveryDay">Delivery day</label>

    <!-- Ajaxified cart attribute select.
    The data-ajax-cart-property-input is empty 
    because there is a correct input name attribute -->
    <select data-ajax-cart-property-input
      name="attributes[Delivery day]" 
        {% assign suggested_days = 'Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday|Thursday|Friday|Saturday|Sunday' | split: '|' %}
        <option value=""
          {% unless suggested_days contains cart.attributes['Delivery day'] %} selected {% endunless %}>
          Any day
        {% for day in suggested_days %}
            value="{{ day }}" 
            {% if day == cart.attributes['Delivery day'] %} selected {% endif %}>
            {{ day }}
        {% endfor %}

    <div>Delivery time</div>

    <!-- Ajaxified cart attribute radio group.
    The data-ajax-cart-property-input are empty 
    because there are correct input name attributes -->
    {% assign suggested_time = 'Any time|Day time|Evening' | split: '|' %}
    {% for time in suggested_time %}
        <input data-ajax-cart-property-input
          name="attributes[Delivery time]" 
          value="{{ time }}" 
          {% if cart.attributes['Delivery time'] == time %} checked {% endif %}>
        {{ time }}
    {% endfor %}

    <!-- Ajaxified cart attribute checkbox.
    The data-ajax-cart-property-input are empty 
    because there are correct input name attributes -->
      <!-- Value when the checkbox unchecked -->
      <input data-ajax-cart-property-input
        name="attributes[Leave at the door]"
      <!-- The checkbox itself -->
      <input data-ajax-cart-property-input
        name="attributes[Leave at the door]" 
        {% if cart.attributes['Leave at the door'] == 'Yes' %} checked {% endif %}>
      Leave at the door

  <form id="my-ajax-cart-form" action="{{ routes.cart_url }}" method="post">
    <button type="submit" name="checkout">
      Checkout — {{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}

{% schema %} { "name": "My Ajax cart" } {% endschema %}

If the form controls in the above example didn’t have the correct name attributes, then data-ajax-cart-property-input attributes should have values:

<!-- Ajaxified cart attribute text input -->
<input data-ajax-cart-property-input="attributes[Package text]"
  class="my-cart__input my-cart__input--property" />
<!-- Ajaxified cart attribute select -->
<select data-ajax-cart-property-input="attributes[Delivery day]"
  <!-- ... -->
<!-- Ajaxified cart attribute radio button -->
<input data-ajax-cart-property-input="attributes[Delivery time]"
  value="{{ time }}"
  {% if cart.attributes['Delivery time'] == time %} checked {% endif %}>
<!-- Ajaxified cart attribute checkbox -->
<input data-ajax-cart-property-input="attributes[Leave at the door]"
<input data-ajax-cart-property-input="attributes[Leave at the door]"
  {% if cart.attributes['Leave at the door'] == 'Yes' %} checked {% endif %}>

Cart note

The value of the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute should be note. If you apply the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute to a form control with the name="note" attribute then you can leave the data-ajax-cart-property-input value empty:

<div class="my-cart" data-ajax-cart-section>

  <div class="my-cart__items">
    <!-- Cart items HTML -->

  <label for="cartNote">Cart note</label>
  <!-- Ajaxified cart note textarea.
  The data-ajax-cart-property-input is empty 
  because there is correct textarea name attribute -->
  <textarea data-ajax-cart-property-input
    {{ cart.note }}

  <form id="my-ajax-cart-form" action="{{ routes.cart_url }}" method="post">
    <button type="submit" name="checkout">
      Checkout — {{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}

{% schema %} { "name": "My Ajax cart" } {% endschema %}

If the form controls in the above example didn’t have the correct name attribute , then the data-ajax-cart-property-input attribute should have the note value:

<!-- Ajaxified cart note textarea -->
<textarea data-ajax-cart-property-input="note" id="cartNote">
  {{ cart.note }}