Custom tag


A custom tag which binds “Plus” and “Minus” buttons to a data-ajax-cart-quantity-input cart item quantity input.


Note: the <ajax-cart-quantity> custom tag works only with data-ajax-cart-quantity-input elements which are implemented via HTML input element of type text or number.

Let’s say you have a cart item quantity input, ajaxified using the data-ajax-cart-quantity-input attribute:

<div class="my-cart" data-ajax-cart-section>
  <h2>Cart ({{ cart.item_count }})</h2>
    <div class="my-cart__items" data-ajax-cart-section-scroll>
      {% for line_item in cart.items %}
        {% assign line_item_index = forloop.index %}
        <div><a href="{{ line_item.url }}">{{ line_item.title | escape }}</a></div>
        <div>Price: {{ line_item.final_price | money }}</div>

          <!-- Item quantity input ajaxified by the "data-ajax-cart-quantity-input" attribute -->
          <input data-ajax-cart-quantity-input="{{ line_item_index }}"
            value="{{ item.quantity }}" 
            form="my-ajax-cart-form" />

        <!-- ... -->

In order to attach “Plus” and “Minus” buttons, add elements for them next to the input field with the data-ajax-cart-quantity-plus and data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus attributes and wrap them all with the <ajax-cart-quantity> tag:

<div class="my-cart" data-ajax-cart-section>
  <h2>Cart ({{ cart.item_count }})</h2>

    <div class="my-cart__items" data-ajax-cart-section-scroll>
      {% for line_item in cart.items %}
        {% assign line_item_index = forloop.index %}
        <div><a href="{{ line_item.url }}">{{ line_item.title | escape }}</a></div>
        <div>Price: {{ line_item.final_price | money }}</div>

            <a data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus
              href="{{ routes.cart_change_url }}?line={{ line_item_index }}&quantity={{ item.quantity | minus: 1 }}" > 
              Minus one 

            <!-- Item quantity input ajaxified by the "data-ajax-cart-quantity-input" attribute -->
            <input data-ajax-cart-quantity-input="{{ line_item_index }}"
              value="{{ item.quantity }}" 
              form="my-ajax-cart-form" />

            <a data-ajax-cart-quantity-plus
              href="{{ routes.cart_change_url }}?line={{ line_item_index }}&quantity={{ item.quantity | plus: 1 }}"> 
              Plus one 

        <!-- ... -->

The <ajax-cart-quantity> custom tag subscribes to the click event of the data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus and data-ajax-cart-quantity-plus elements. When the event is fired, the <ajax-cart-quantity> adjusts the data-ajax-cart-quantity-input input value and triggers the change event on the input, which in turn makes Liquid Ajax Cart perform a Shopify Cart API Ajax request to update the quantity and re-render the data-ajax-cart-section elements.

The href attribute isn’t necessary for the buttons. It is there to make the buttons work without JavaScript.

“Minus” button’s minimum value

The minimum value that a user can reach by clicking the data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus element is “1”, thus they can’t accidentally remove an item from the cart by reaching “0”. In order to allow them to reach the “0” value, set the quantityTagAllowZero configuration parameter to true.

Buttons’ disabled state

The data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus and data-ajax-cart-quantity-plus elements become inactive when there is a Shopify Cart API Ajax request in progress.

Also, the data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus element becomes inactive when a user reaches the minimum value for the “Minus” button.

When the element is disabled, it gets the aria-disabled attribute. If the element is a button HTML element, then it will get the disabled attribute as well. Use the attributes to signify that the element is inactive:

[data-ajax-cart-quantity-minus][aria-disabled="true"] {
  cursor: not-allowed;
  opacity: .7;

Debounce — 300ms

The <ajax-cart-quantity> custom tag doesn’t trigger the change event at the data-ajax-cart-quantity-input element immediately when a button “Plus” or “Minus” is clicked. When a user clicks the button, the <ajax-cart-quantity> just starts a timer for 300 milliseconds.

If the user doesn’t click the same button again within the 300 ms, the <ajax-cart-quantity> triggers the change event.

Otherwise, if the user clicks the same button within these 300 ms, the timer gets restarted, thus the <ajax-cart-quantity> will wait for another 300 ms before sending the request.

This approach lets the user change the quantity by more than one before sending a Shopify Cart API Ajax request and before the cart goes to the “processing requests” mode.

In order to change the debounce time or remove it completely, use the quantityTagDebounce configuration parameter.