
Cart totals in the header

Liquid Ajax Cart lets you display user cart data, such as the number of cart items or the total cart price, outside the data-ajax-cart-section elements as well. Usually this information is located in the header of a webpage.

Display cart totals

The following Liquid code might be used to show the number of cart items and the total cart price:

<span class="header__cart-quantity">
  {{ cart.item_count }}
<span class="header__cart-total">
  {{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}

However, those values are static and will update only after a page refresh.

Ajaxify cart totals

To enable updates without requiring a page refresh, apply the data-ajax-cart-bind attribute to the elements and provide a property from the liquidAjaxCart.cart object, that you want to display. For displaying the number of cart items, use the item_count property, while for showing the cart total price, employ the total_price property.

The attribute supports formatters. In order to display price values, use the money_with_currency formatter.

Liquid Ajax Cart updates the content of the data-ajax-cart-bind elements when the Shopify cart state is changed.

<span data-ajax-cart-bind="item_count" class="header__cart-quantity">
  {{ cart.item_count }}
<span data-ajax-cart-bind="total_price | money_with_currency" class="header__cart-total">
  {{ cart.total_price | money_with_currency }}

Hide, when the cart is empty

In order to show or hide the cart totals if the cart is empty or not empty, use the js-ajax-cart-empty and js-ajax-cart-not-empty CSS classes.